The changing shape of agribusiness and challenging market expectations are forcing progressive producers to focus on how to improve their operational efficiency and adopt continuous improvement techniques.

Industry peak bodies are increasingly seeking more direction and focus to help direct future investment in research and development for their constituent industries.

Client Requirements
  • Design and manage benchmarking activities across the national industry,
  • Provide detailed reporting to participating producers as well as high level analysis of issues and trends to industry peak bodies:
    • • To assist producers to continuously improve their business’ performance, and
      • Provide industry (and peak body personnel) focus and direction for ongoing research and development.
Key Activities
  • Recruit a representative sample of producers to participate in the benchmarking program,
  • Develop software that can store large data sets and provide reporting regimes as required for producer participants and industry peak bodies,
  • Design data collection protocols that will capture the appropriate data, minimize inconvenience to participating producers and produce useful Key
  • Performance Measures (KPIs) following analysis,
  • Collect data, in person, on farm from producers,
  • Collate, clean, review and cross check data, make necessary additions or refinements needed to ensure comparative analysis is valid and achieves goals,
  • Enter, analyze and deliver reports as specified with input from industry stakeholders.

Industries that have adopted these bench marking programs to date include the Australian banana industry, avocado industry, mango industry, prawn farming industry and oyster farming industry. Participants receive KPI reports covering productivity, quality, itemized costs and returns, profitability and labour use efficiency. Industry receives reports identifying trends and correlations and areas where further R&D can assist industry performance.